Friday, September 7, 2012

Bouncing Baby BOY!'s official. Addison and I are going to be parents in January to a little buddy. I need to start by saying, I am horrible at talking about things! So to any of you that didn't know before just recently, I apologize :) Just a week ago my little sister Baylie came up to me and asked me how big my baby was this week. Right after she asked her twin sister Carlie walks in and says, "What?! You're pregnant?!"haha, whoops. From now on I will try to be better at giving updates.

It is crazy to me how much I already love this little mister. I may be a little biased...but I think he is the cutest thing that has ever lived. Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound yesterday...

 He covered his face with his hands like this almost the whole time so we didn't get very many profile or face pictures.
 He has got his dad's long legs!
 little feet
 The bottom of his foot, so precious
 One of the profile pictures
 This picture could be a little creepy, but I think it is so cute that you can see him yawning
 Addison't favorite picture. He asked the lady to get measurements of his bicep! haha! It was a whole 2 centimeters.

 Just for fun, here is our little gummy bear at 10 weeks. He has grown so much!

This is a short post, but I need to hurry so that we can head to Logan for a Utah game :) I will post more about the pregnancy soon. I love feeling this little boy move and kick inside of me. Addison has been able to feel him these last few days which has been so neat! The first time he felt him Addison asked, "what is he doing in there?" ha :) he will be such a good dad. There is not a cooler feeling than a little person growing inside of  you, I am sure of it. :) I feel so blessed to know that our baby is healthy and growing exactly how he needs to be. He weighs almost a pound, and is growing more everyday.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bryce Canyon-Perkins Reunion

This year we had a Perkins reunion. So fun! They are such a fun family and I love being apart of it. It was especially good to be able to spend time with the Petersons. We don't see them enough. This reunion we went to a rodeo, hiked Bryce Canyon, went rock climbing, hooked climbing gear up to a tree, and had the famous auction and skit. Oh, and we ate like kings. It was a great weekend!

Our Family :)
 The Skit
 During the reunion we had the chance to listen to the Perkins talk about their childhoods. It was an awesome experience.


It was a great weekend and reunion!

Idaho Reunion

I have not posted in a very long time, hopefully I will get better at updating seeing as things are going to be changing for the Peterson clan fairly shortly :) Here is an overview of the last few months, in a few short posts.

My whole family, and I mean whole family, got together for the first time in a long time at the beginning of July. It was so much fun to have everyone together again. It was a week filled with fun activities and laughter that gives you a mad six pack. During the week we played kickball, had a huge water slide, flung the kids on blankets, took family pictures, went to the firework show in Idaho Falls, went rock climbing, and just hung out. I am sure I am missing some things but that is the basic idea :) Here are a few pictures of our family packed week...

I found out when we were doing this, that might be slightly paranoid :) It is safer than it looks though, and usually we don't do them that high. Keslie is a little dare devil...
 wrestling: somehow I always end up in the middle.
 My dad is good at just about everything....except puzzle racing.
 Cutie soy bean
Kelyn wasn't able to go to the fireworks unfortunately, but here are a lot of us :) I am so lucky to have my sisters. They are truly my best friends.
 We started the week with having a baby blessing for this precious little man.
 Family picture. First one in 8 years.
 All the grandkids.

It was such a fun week and I am so glad that we were all able to be there. It is hard to get 12 kids together when life is going on. I sure do love my family and am so grateful for the experiences we have had to bring us closer together.