Holloween. Very mixed feelings about this so called holiday. First thoughts are 1. It tends to bring out the inner floozy in way too many women.... and 2. I personally find no joy in being scared. Things such as haunted houses, scary movies, etc. seem to go against everything that I believe in. Why would I want to invite negative feelings into my house, and myself if I want to live an uplifting life? This year I went on a double date with my husband and our good friends to a haunted house close to town. As I was walking through it I couldn't help but think of our eternal purpose here on earth and how this was literally mocking the things that I hold most important to me. I am probably being a little over dramatic, but it's just something I have had on my mind. :)
I do love it though because of tradition. Eating chili, getting a high from overdose of sugar, being around friends and family, seeing little kids in their costumes and watching them feel so proud about it :) coming home after trick or treating and putting your candy into piles- preparing to use your best bartering skills on your siblings, All these things are so fun! Last night Addison and I went to my parents house, and the kids had just gotten done trick or treating. They dumped their stuff and for some reason just started giving some of it away! They would ask, "who wants it?!" after they had decided they gave out enough I turned to my husband...His shirt was FULL of candy. I asked him how he got it all..his reply? "I just kept raising my hand!" haha I sure do love him.
He gave me a big wet one after he put chocolate all over his mouth...
The stash.