I discovered my love of sports because of my dad. Some of my fondest memories are of him taking me out to play catch. I still remember him showing me how to put my glove up so the ball wouldn't roll up and smack me in the face. I remember him taking me home from games and we would talk about what I did well on and what I could improve on. Of course he would work with me and encourage me in way that always made my goals feel achievable. Even years later at college when I would be playing on the intramural teams the first person I would look for in the stands would be my dad. He showed me my competitive side and loved me even when it got out of control :)
My dad has taught me how to serve and has showed me how to be a true disciple of Christ. His whole entire life has been given to others. He is easily one of the busiest men I know yet he finds time to help people shovel their driveways, or just sees a need that a neighbor has and does it with a loving heart. I have never once heard my dad talk negatively about another person, in fact I have never heard him use any type of profane language. He has never yelled at me for punishment. Whenever we would get in a disagreement usually the next day I would have a letter from him on my bed. He would explain his love for me and his side of the story. He always knew how to keep circumstances from boiling over. I still have all of the letters he has written me. They are some of my most prized posessions.
My dad is the one that taught me about modesty. He expected this from all of his girls, and how I am so grateful for it. He continues helping me strive to be better even today in this area. I love that he is still my father and still teaches me how to be better.
My dad has taught me what real love is. The way he has loved my moms shows me how I need to be in my marriage. He has always put them first above all else. He has never fought or talked back to them in front of his kids. I have a loong way to go before I can be like him but I am grateful for the example that he has set.
My dad has helped me gain a love for knowledge both spiritual and temporal. Every Sunday we would have family devotional where he would teach us about the gospel and we could discuss what was going on in our lives. He helped me learn the importance of scripture study. He has such a love for the temple and doing family history. He graduated with his bachelors in political science, and got his masters and doctorate in education. He is so smart, but so humble. Like I have mentioned, he taught by action. All the while getting his schooling he had kids and held callings for the church. He knows how to encourage me and build me up so that I feel as though I can accomplish goals that I set for myself. He never told me what I needed to do or what path I had to take. He believed in me and when I made a decision he would support me. I love him.
My dad is a goof. He has some of the best dance moves I have ever seen. He still wears his white socks up to shins and works out with his shirt tucked into his shorts. He has some of the lamest yet somehow funniest jokes I have ever heard. He is extremely witty and I love how he and I can banter.
The only thing that I have ever thought was weird about my dad was the way he peeled an orange by biting into it. Well, I found myself biting into an orange a while ago. I hope that I can copy all of my dads attributes. I pray that I can be half the parent to Ryker that my dad is to me.
Love ya old man.