This right here is my life. I don't know how to describe the love I have for him. He truly is the most wonderful thing that I could have been blessed with. Here is the story of how we met.
On January 15th 2013, at 3:00 in the morning I was laying on the couch asleep in the living room. (This had become a nightly thing seeing as my contractions would keep me up most of the night for the last two weeks) All of the sudden, water was everywhere. Coolest thing ever! I walk into the room where Addison was sleeping and told him that my water had just broke. He jumped up so quick and ran to start the car. I just sat in the bathroom shaking the whole time while Addison got everything ready to go. Once he was done we were off. It was a pretty scary drive because Addison was speeding and the roads were soooo icy. He said that if we got pulled over the cop would just let us go seeing as I was in labor and all. Ha! Once we got to the hospital and got checked a nurse brought me to a delivery room and started an I.V. I was dilated to a 3 and was 100% effaced when I was admitted. When I was laying in bed I could not stop shaking, and I was freezing cold. It felt so good to have the nurse put a warm blanket on me. I was having pretty good hard contractions, but they were a little inconsistent ranging from 2-5 minutes apart. at 6 am they gave me some pitocin to try and speed things up. By 8am I was finally able to get an epidural. Holy Moly, I have never loved anyone so much at that point in my life. Thank Heaven for Anesthesiologists. Addison and I just pretty much just hung out from then on. My sister, Alyssa, came to say goodbye to me because she was leaving that day to go on her mission. She missed seeing Ryker by one hour. Anyways, by 2:15 PM I was ready to go. ( side note: to all you new moms out there that are getting ready to have a baby: stop to get food on the way in to the hospital. For you will not eat again until your perfect baby is out of you.) The Nurses had me start pushing and the doctor showed up at 2:40PM. It was pretty funny how everyone kept saying how he had so much hair! I thought for sure he would be bald. I couldn't wait to hold and see my little boy that everyone was talking about. Ryker Casey Peterson was born at 2:49 PM. He weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Right when Ryker was out he sucked his binkey like crazy. He just knew how to eat and suck right from the beginning so well. I am so grateful. At least one of us knew what we were doing.
We spent the next two days in the hospital. I didn't love it. Mainly because Ryker wanted to sleep the whole first day but he had to be constantly poked for blood. I had gestational diabetes so they had to check his sugar levels a lot that first little bit to make sure he was ok. Also, the nursery was under construction and so I had Ryker with me the whole time. Which was nice, but by the end of the stay I was pretty much hallucinating due to how tired I was. Addison had to go back to work the day after Ryks was born so I had a lot of good alone time with my sweet new baby boy. It was good to get home though and have my wonderful mom stay with me for a night and help me throughout the day.
The day we took Ryker home it was 12 degrees outside. Welcome to Idaho sweet baby. Addison has never driven so carefully, we had precious cargo to get home safely.
January 15th is the day that my life really started. I have always wanted to be a mom. It has been my dream. I'm not saying it's not hard and extremely challenging at times, but it is indescribably perfect.
Meet Ryker:
-I love to eat! (every two hours due to reflux)
-I had my first social smile at 1 month old. However, I smiled at my dreams way before then
-I started rolling from tummy to back at 7 weeks
-I have the cutest laugh. Aunt Amber got me to laugh first at 3 months.
-June 6th I started rolling from my back to my tummy
-at almost 5 months I refuse to stay on my back and only like to lay on my belly. I think its especially cool to get my legs clear up and scoot toward my toys.
-I am the friendliest baby that has ever lived
-I also am shy. I like familiar places and things. When out of my element I am very observant and take everything in
-I love to talk, and I have the sweetest voice that my mom and dad have heard.
Meet Ryker
one day
2 weeks
one month
6 weeks
just cute
2 months
He is such a goof
3 months
He has the biggest most contagious smile
4 months
He has to get hauled every day to my moms house while I go to my internship. He is such a great sport.
5 months!
I could not ask for more than him. He makes everyday so fun for Addison and I. We are lucky parents for sure!
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